As we all know, without a customer, there would not be business to execute. One of the key factors to the success of Premier Packaging over the past 20-plus years has been the determined effort around servicing our customers.
In other words, customer service is not limited to the customer service team, but rather every individual representing our organization. While some of us have more direct contact with the external customer than others, our team understands that customer service is executed properly when we are successful in our individual roles. So whether we are consulting during the sales process, designing a product, placing the order, producing the product, managing the inventory, shipping the product, or managing back office operations – we ALL have ownership in our customer’s satisfaction.
Premier Packaging feels beyond fortunate that we are able to partner with numerous organizations across various industries. We feel strongly this growth is due to our relationship management expectations. Customer service is often associated with addressing problems the customer may be experiencing. I am always amazed how we pull together and resolve issues in a timely, professional manner.
However, consider this – wouldn’t we be providing better customer service if there wasn’t a problem to resolve? Servicing the customer is more than solving problems; it’s about creating an easy, enjoyable, and trustworthy way of doing business.
Customer service is a relentless responsibility, and it only takes one less than stellar experience for a customer to look elsewhere. Nothing can expose a weakness like a busy season.
The holidays equate to the Super Bowl of shipping and packaging. Everyone is running at a breakneck speed, and we are certainly no exception. This year we are pleased to report that we accomplished many of our internal goals for customer service. We were focused and our data told a similar story.
We would like to thank our entire team for the effort they give day in and day out, and a virtual ‘high-five’ to all of you, for a managing another successful year in your respective industry.
Now that the holidays are behind us, and we are already evaluating how we can improve our internal processes in 2017.
Which in turn improve … yep, you got it – our customer service experience! As you work through evaluating your 2016 performance, let us know how we can help. A brainstorming discussion, new box design, or perhaps a free assessment – any or all would be options.
Gotta run, our customers are waiting. Happy New Year and here’s to a successful 2017!