Filling the void
We've Got You.
“Paper or plastic?” isn’t a question only asked at grocery stores. Knowing the right material for your product, as well as how to efficiently get it to your pack stations, is key to a damage-free product. So, whether shipping in bulk or direct to a door step, the utilization of proper void fill systems often drives the outcome of a happy or disappointed customer.
Protect Your Product Properly.
It is hard to have a happy customer if their order arrives damaged or destroyed because it bounced around inside a box on the way to them. One key solution is void fill which comes in multiple forms including paper, inflatable packaging, and foam-in-place to name a few. Properly utilizing this dunnage means also installing the correct systems to create the most efficient packing space possible. Determining which form is right for you and how to deliver it is something we do every day. Perhaps your product needs a fully designed foam solution; our design team can help create the perfect structure. Rest assured, your product is going to arrive safe and sound despite the distance.