Avoid Damaged Products with ISTA-Certified Package Testing

Damages remain one of the costliest figures in the packaging world. What if you could avoid them? You can with Premier’s ISTA-certified package testing.

The numbers are startling: In 2020, during the ecommerce explosion due to the pandemic, there was a 19.1% increase in damaged packages. By some estimates, 3 billion packages are lost and damaged every year. That’s where ISTA-certified package testing comes in.

The International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) helps to provide safety rules for packages being shipped. What our ISTA-certified testing means for you:

  1. Your Products Arrive Safe – The First Time
    Think of the process a damaged package sets off: The unhappy customer returns the damaged item and/or contacts customer service. Then you must issue a new product and/or refund. Then you go back to the drawing board to look at your packaging for ways to keep this from happening again … it’s a major headache.

    Instead, let Premier get the package right the first time. In our lab, we test it under the most vigorous conditions, putting it through vibrations, compression, drop tests, and environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures and humidity. We ensure it arrives right the first time, and every time.

    When your customers receive your product in fine condition, you will encourage a positive image for your brand and eliminate the need for and costs of, returns, redeliveries, claims, etc.  

  1. You Don’t Need to do Your Own Testing
    Since ISTA follows the highest standards of testing, and testing is done on your package prior to approval, there is no need for you to go through anything extra. Our ISTA-certified package testing saves you a valuable step in the process, allowing you to get your product out to the consumer quicker.
  1. Packages are Approved for Amazon and Other Large Retail Marketplaces
    Many companies—the largest being Amazon—now require ISTA certification to ship packages. Once your package passes certification, you can rest assured that you will be able to ship it from whatever platform with whatever carrier you choose.

Premier officially became ISTA certified in April 2021, after going through all the proper channels to ensure our design lab follows all adequate procedures. Our testing lab allows us to confidently determine if a package is ready to face the shakes, rattles, potential drops, and anything else that life throws its way.

Ready to see if your current or new packaging is ready for the rigors of the shipping world? Contact Premier for ISTA-certified testing.